La minute Tech #6 : Avec Mendeley Apprenez et partagez facilement sur la toile


La minute Tech #6 : Avec Mendeley Apprenez et partagez facilement sur la toile

La minute Tech #6 parle du site Réseau Social Mendeley is a free reference manager and academic social network that can help you organize your research, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research.
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Anonyme - #1

Very Nice Video, But My Question Would Be Why You Use English? It Can Be A Good Possibility To Improve Our Langage (like Me) But If You Make Subtitle For Persons Who Dont Understand It Will Be Better. Thank You A Lot For The Advice And I Like Your Accent. Exuse My Langage If I Made Mistake I'm Not A Native Speaker.

le Mercredi 19 Mars, 2014 à 02:30:02RépondreAlerter - #2

Good Idea And Good Luck !!!!

le Mercredi 19 Mars, 2014 à 10:56:24RépondreAlerter - #3

Good Idea And Good Luck !!!

le Mercredi 19 Mars, 2014 à 10:57:02RépondreAlerter

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